How Do I Start?
- Order your unique report online by following this link. You will first see an Enrollment Form where you will enter all information required to initiate your report.
- After you submit, you will then see a Payment Form where you will select your preferred form of payment, Online Pay Pal, Visa, MasterCard, or check via snail mail.
- You will also select the number of coaching sessions you would like to receive at a discount.
- Complete packages including your 40-50 page report and your coaching session begin as low as $199.
- After payment is received, you’ll receive your questionnaire booklet in just a few days via the U.S. mail. (If you choose the Internet option, we will email your Assessment password and instructions after PayPal’s verification of your order.)
- You start the program by answering (either online or on paper) 260 questions prepared by leading behavioral research centers to reveal your individual personality traits.
- There are no “trick” questions, and the questions are not difficult to answer. However, they do require that you make an objective appraisal of your feelings and your actions in everyday situations.
- Control questions designed to assure that your answers are objective and valid are included for your protection.
- Once you complete your online assessment or return your completed questionnaire, your private telephone coaching session will be scheduled and your responses will be processed on one of the most sophisticated computer programs in behavioral assessment science.
- The computer will cross-reference, compare, profile, combine and analyze your responses. Within just a few days, you’ll receive an in-depth, detailed 40-50 page report – a report that gives you greater insight into yourself than you’ve ever had before.
- You will be able to read your report before your coaching session so you can ask your coach specific questions most important to you right now in your life.
What’s Included in the 40 Page Report
Your Winslow Assessment and Development Report is a complete detailed road map to the complex components that make up your personality.
Your report will guide you to use your strengths to achieve success and to watch for and control behavior that can hold you back. It will even give you a program of immediate, continuing and future development to help you overcome weak areas (none of us are perfect) and turn them into strengths.
With my experience in coaching clients, I’ve seen time and time again that we all can change for the better.
You’ll get:
Profile Charts
You’ll get four easy-to-read graphs that plot your 24 personality traits. One quick scan is all it takes to see how you compare to thousands of people in our American society.
You can even remove the graphs from the report and place them where you can refer to them regularly. Each week you’ll see your charts “come to life” as you become more aware of your behavior. You’ll notice correlations between your profile charts and things that happen in everyday situations. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you start improving in areas that need attention – and pushing your strong points for all they’re worth.
Personality Traits
This section describes each of the 24 personality traits as they apply specifically to you – one at a time. As you study them, you’ll begin seeing overlapping areas.
Influential Traits
These are your own personal “hot buttons.” Here you’ll find the traits that have the greatest impact on your behavior; both positive impact – your strong points, and negative impact – your areas of concern.
You’ll use this section to make the most of your strong points while learning to control and even modify areas of concern.
Personal Development
This is the most important section of your report by far. Here you’ll learn how to apply your newfound insight toward achieving your goals in life. You’ll be presented with programs for:
- Initial development
- Continuing development
- Future development
Note future development particularly. The purpose of your report is to give you the personal insight necessary to make your future all you want it to be. By knowing yourself more specifically in 24 key areas, you will have the knowledge to make your future brighter and more satisfying than you’d ever imagined.
By knowing who you really are – as a result of both heredity and environment – your life will take on more meaning than ever before.
- Your home life will improve.
- You’ll get more out of your friendships and personal relationships.
- You’ll feel more relaxed than ever before in your life – because you’ll have no doubts whatsoever concerning “the real you.”
By being true to yourself – improving what can be improved and making the most of your outstanding qualities – there will be no stopping you!
When it comes to your career, the rewards of knowing yourself are astronomical.
- Better relationships
- More money
- More prestige
- More recognition
- More achievements
A greater overall satisfaction with where you’re headed in life.
This guide to you can help you make it happen for yourself.
PLUS – Get A Free Session with your Own Success Coach!
In addition to all of the above, each participant will receive a free 45-minute phone session with your own Personal Success Coach – your professional mentor to guide you through your Winslow Report results. Your coach will suggest strategies, techniques and tools to help you achieve even greater personal success through building on the insights from your Winslow Assessment and Development Profile.
Note: When you order your Winslow Report you can specify that you would like to receive THREE personal sessions with your own Success Coach for a small additional charge. This is a fabulous opportunity to get additional support to accelerate your progress.
Explore Your Ideal Career Path
Your Success Coach will also have access to the Position Compatibility Profiles from the sophisticated Winslow Reports database. While on the phone with you, within moments your coach can compare your Report results with the results of hundreds of thousands of other successful and dynamic performers – and suggest based on your personality the best career path for you. Of course, the Winslow doesn’t identify the education or experience requirements for a career change, but it will tell you whether your current position is the best fit for your personality. You probably know people who have paid thousands of dollars in trying to discover this information alone.
You must be completely satisfied with the accuracy, validity and value of your Winslow Report, or you may return it to me within 30 days, for a full refund.
Order your unique report online by following this link. You will first see an Enrollment Form where you will enter all information required to initiate your report. After you submit, you will then see a Payment Form where you will select your preferred form of payment, Online Pay Pal, Visa, MasterCard, or check via snail mail. You will also select the number of coaching sessions you would like to receive at a discount.
Complete packages including your 40-50 page report and your coaching session begin as low as $295.
After payment is received, you’ll receive your questionnaire booklet in just a few days via the U.S. mail. If you choose the Internet option, we will email your Assessment password and instructions after PayPal’s verification of your order.