We offer 3 levels of the “Individual’s Career Diagnostic Program” to allow you to budget for the investment that’s most appropriate given your circumstances and your desire for individual attention and mentoring.

Please review the Silver, Gold and Platinum details below to ensure you ‘re registering for the specific services you desire before you click the order link.


  • 30 day program
  • Online access for 90 days to the 7 tools of CareerStorm Navigator (TM) (extendable for year upon request at no additional charge)
  • 3 group teleconferences (50 minutes) one week apart
  • Orientation to program and online tool teleconference
  • Teleconference for results and insights discussion – skills and interests modules
  • Teleconference on additional insights and to set next action steps
  • Weekly Group Support Accountability to the group to complete your assignments and take your chosen action steps
  • Money back guarantee of satisfaction


  • 30 day program
  • Online access for 90 days to the 7 tools of CareerStorm Navigator (TM) (extendable for year upon request at no additional charge)
  • 3 private scheduled one-on-one 50 minutes sessions with Terry Kozlowski, founder of Achievementor Group for orientation to program and online tool, results and insights discussion from all completed modules and planning next action steps
  • unlimited email access to Terry in-between scheduled private sessions
  • short phone calls (under 10 minutes) to Terry in-between scheduled private sessions as needed
  • Winslow Platinum Assessment online tool with 40 page Report that provides details on 24 personality traits including recommendations for ways to leverage strengths and opportunities for further growth and personal development
  • 1 additional 50 minute private session with Terry to discuss results of Winslow Report and plan next action steps
  • Money back guarantee of satisfaction
  • Accountability to Terry Kozlowski to complete your assignments and take your chosen action steps


  • 30 day program
  • Online access for 90 days to the 7 tools of CareerStorm Navigator (TM) (extendable for year upon request at no additional charge)
  • 3 private scheduled one-on-one 50 minutes sessions with qualified career coach for orientation to program and online tool, results and insights discussion from all completed modules and planning next action steps
  • Accountability to your own career coach to complete your assignments and take your chosen action steps
  • Unlimited email access to coach in-between scheduled private sessions
  • Money back guarantee of satisfaction

Services and Programs for Professionals in Practice

“Your Successful Practice Program” is a 12 month program with participation by invitation only.

Successful completion of the Practice Diagnostic is required.

Practice Diagnostics

Order your Practice Diagnostic for $175 now!

Practice Diagnostics